Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My new obsession

Decorating the house has become my new obsession. Well, it's not really new, I've been pretty obsessed ever since we moved in, but I've gone through stages of obsession - from the first few months happy excited obsession, to months three - seven of minimal obsession to my current MUST COMPLETE ROOMS obsession.

I've gotten the advice from others so I keep telling myself that you can only find so much stuff while really looking for it, and some things you will just stumble into. But everytime I walk into our guestroom with its  empty walls and plain looking bed I feel an urge to run to Bouclair. But then I get there and nothing really speaks to me and I leave frustrated with another white candle.

Add to this that there is more than one room that needs a bit of TLC, and you can see why my head is spinning. So the question is, is it better to decorate one room at a time - first focus on the office, and then the guestroom, and then the master or should I walk into a store looking for stuff for my officeguestroommaster...leading to the aforementioned candle!

So with this post, I think I need some advice. One room at a time or everything at once? And while you're responding, if you have any ideas to freshen up a light blue guest bedroom I'm all ears!


  1. There's this DIY blog that I've become a bit obsessed with myself, UCreate: http://www.u-createcrafts.com/ They've got all sorts of diy projects, but for your purposes some of their decorating tutorials are really cool. I haven't gotten around to making any myself yet, but that's only because my husband has commandeered all our wall space for his decor. Anyways, check it out. Personally I always prefer to make my own decor when I can so that it can custom (for color, size, etc.) for the space, because it's something I'm proud of, and it's always a conversation starter. I especially liked this one: http://www.u-createcrafts.com/2010/04/photo-wall.html and this one from another blog: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/chicago/how-to/how-to-make-fabric-art-031058

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